Monday, August 15, 2011

All Press is Good Press

Fox News reports on the situation for recent law graduates in Nevada.

Here's a quote from a Nevada attorney:
"'I will tell you there are lawyers in this town that are driving cabs. There are lawyers in this town that are doing part time work for Starbucks. They're young kids, they don't have families and they love Las Vegas. But many of them are moving,' Massi said."
And from a recent law grad:
"Martinez is one of the “kids” trying to tough it out and stick around. 'I've applied for anything from human resources positions at the casinos to clerk positions, secretary positions, anything,' she said. 'And I'm still struggling.'"
I can sympathize with Ms. Martinez.  It is very disheartening to apply for entry level positions that you probably could have been hired for out of high school and not even get interviews.  If I have any readers in Nevada who want to comment on the job market there, feel free.


  1. There's nothing to comment on about the Nevada job market, because there isn't one. Sixteen years ago, before I went to college and law school (translation: before I spent $150,000) I made $18,000 working in retail in Las Vegas. Those were the good old days. I also had benefits like paid holidays, vacation, etc. Those things are nonexistent nowadays.

    16 years later, after 14 years work experience, a university degree, fluency in four languages, a law degree, three unpaid internships, and an average of about 20 hours a week in unpaid overtime for about 8 years, I now make $13,000 a year. Yay, law school! That's progression.

    I was forced to move back to Nevada after graduation, because my family lives here and they helped support me while I earned enough money to take the bar. That was a few years ago, and I have never left. I have given up hope that my salary will ever be above $13,000 a year. I'm not even going to try anymore, since I have tried for so many years, it's worthless. I'm just going to except my rate and be happy and learn to live on less. Who would have thought that when I left retail all those years ago to start on my education to get a higher paying job that $18,000 a year - my retail job - would be the highest paying job I would ever have? Who would have thought?

    On a more positive note, years ago, I worked as a receptionist and I did everything in my power (education, unpaid internships, etc.) to get out of that field. I imagined that when I got my diplomas and worked my way up the ranks, I would never have to go back. In all seriousness, that field is actually looking like a really good field to get into, as receptionist wages have risen quite a bit in the last few years in Nevada and lawyers wages (are there any?) have dropped. I now find that secretary/receptionist wages are about three times what I make, so if you are a lawyer who is struggling to find work in Nevada, consider a secretary/receptionist job. It's funny that the field I tried so hard to get out of is now the field I would fight tooth and nail to get back into.

    An example: at the place where I work, the job I have REQUIRES a JD and it is a legal related job. Pay is $13,000 a year, no benefits. I have 14 years work experience. Now, the organization I am with is hiring secretaries. The job requires no college degree and a minimum of three years work experience. Pay is $45-$60,000 a year. So, if you have a JD or passed a bar and you come to Nevada, you may want to consider the secretarial/receptionist field. You may just make a lot more than you would have had you stuck it out in the legal field.

  2. Hey Rose Colored Glasses,

    I really enjoy your blog! I wanted you to know that some people are listening to what you and other law school scam bloggers are saying. I graduated from undergrad with no debt. I then went to University of Miami Law. After my first semester I was in the middle of the pack with a 3.0 GPA. At that point in time, I was remarkably 32,000 in debt! I read the scam blogs and made a decision to get the hell out of law -fast. Today I am 9,000 in debt. I will gross about 45,000 this year. I have good benefits, great vacation, an interesting job, a beautiful office, and a view of downtown Boston. The past three years have not been easy. In fact, they were nothing short of an emotional rollercoaster. It took awhile after law school to re-build my life both mentally and financialy. Today, I am studying for the GMATs, but this time my company is paying -100%. So, thank you, thank you greatly for saving my life. Keep up the fight.

    Law School Drop Out and Proud of it,

  3. It is really sad to know how the educated people in Nevada lack opportunities to make their career and get employment. Government should take notice of this situation.

  4. It is really sad to know how the educated people in Nevada lack opportunities to make their career and get employment. Government should take notice of this situation.

  5. Its not just the problem with law students but many others having the same issues they are not getting a job of their filed after passing out. Reason is more and more college pass outs but no new industries started.

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